Sales10X is an account management solution designed to maximise Sales, improved customer Insights & generate greater ROI for your company to create more ‘hurray’ moment for your Sales team. A solution built 100% native on Salesforce platform for a smart, consistent way to sell and automate your selling process.
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The Harsh Reality
Below are some facts and figures by a survey conducted by Appstrail
Why Key Account Management Solution is Essential for your company
Implementing Key Account Management solutions (KAM) has proven to increase customer satisfaction rate by 20% and generated revenue increase of 15% and higher. The longer your company has used KAM, the higher your company’s value towards your customers & hence greater the revenue.
How Sales10X will help generate more leads and greater revenue for your company
Salex10X is a Sales Performance management tool built on the Salesforce platform. It allows key account manager to grow revenue in key accounts by enabling the user to deepen their understanding of the buyer’s business pressures, objectives, goals and uncovers hidden opportunities.