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Elevating B2B Retail Strategy with Salesforce's Flexible and Scalable Solutions

Elevate B2B Retail Strategy with Salesforce’s Flexible and Scalable Solutions


In many ways, technology has had an inherent and lasting impact on customer expectations. That also includes the traditionally tech-hesitant business-to-business (B2B) buyer, who, just like retail customers, is now seeking to instantly browse, research and transact at any time and from anywhere. All of this had been made possible through digital commerce and buyers aren’t the only beneficiaries of this digitized economy. Business sellers have reported improved productivity, increased revenue and lower service costs.

No wonder, B2B organizations are considering digital channels. In fact, a colossal 87% of B2B buyers say that they would prefer paying a supplier that has an excellent e-commerce portal and can provide a journey that is as perceptive and intuitive as one would expect in retail. As B2B buyer expectations change, organizations must adapt and embrace innovative solutions, with Salesforce B2B Commerce as a potential solution. It uses data, analytics and cloud-based commerce tools to create a digitally enhanced customer journey. Here’s how.


Personalization on a massive scale

Personalization on a massive scale

Today’s tech-savvy customers desire seamless, instantaneous and personalized service. With buyers more likely to purchase online, there can be no reason to compromise. In perspective, in 2021, Salesforce reported that B2B organizations got 50% of their revenue through digital channels. So, to increase sales and brand loyalty, organizations must deliver relevant and personalized digital experiences that make customers feel valued and understood.

In day-to-day operations, it translates to connected processes, harmonious interactions between departments, and personalized recommendations to ensure an easy way to find products. This requires a platform that provides accurate data and is equipped with automation tools, like Salesforce B2B Commerce is. The platform ensures higher sales numbers and brand loyalty by enabling organizations with:


● One-click reorders
● Smart search
● Product recommendations

It also provides artificial intelligence (AI) and connected data to create personalized experiences swiftly, with significant cost benefits, and more relevantly, at scale.


Bring in transactional flexibility

Bring in transactional flexibility

Today’s business buyers expect mobile apps, comparison tools, recommendations, real-time messaging, intelligent search, and proactive service. They also want to move quickly and easily across different channels – mobile, online, social, phone, in-person – as per their needs.


By leveraging cloud-based technologies like Salesforce B2B Commerce, firms can seamlessly unlock e-commerce benefits and capabilities, adapting to unique buyer needs. Organizations can devise quick, inexpensive solutions to test, adjust and deploy, giving them an opportunity to innovate as per customers’ needs. Built on Salesforce’s Customer 360 Platform, it offers endless configurability. Its capabilities elegantly blend with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) data to create a single customer view which allows organizations to stay connected at every point of customer contact, by linking commerce to marketing.


Reducing costs and improving customer satisfaction through self-service

Reducing costs and improving customer satisfaction through self-service

Customers can be demanding and often seek highly intuitive self-service options for routine interactions. They would also prefer completing entire purchases through digital self-service platforms. In fact, in a 2021 B2B Buyer Report, 96% of buyers made online purchases for their company, with 63% further planning to make more purchases online.


By adding a self-service option, companies can not only enhance customer experience but also reduce costs considerably. Simultaneously, sales teams can concentrate on more strategic and complex services like cross-selling, upselling and other consultative tasks. In fact, instead of displacing human talent, companies can retain good talent and make the recruitment process easier.


Building the right data strategies for trust and loyalty

Building the right data strategies for trust and loyalty

In customer service, trust is precious. After all, 87% of business buyers wish their sales representative to be their trusted advisor. Firms can leverage real-time CRM to turn insights into offerings and moments that wow their customers and help build trust. For instance, by setting up “churn alerts,” the sales team can reach out to dissatisfied customers and hear their concerns. Again, with real-time data collected, firms can offer dynamic pricing, depending on customer profiles and market characteristics.


In the dynamic realm of evolving customer expectations, organizations must demonstrate both adaptability and resilience. Personalization is crucial, and tools like Salesforce’s Customer 360 Platform can address challenges and ensure a consistently great customer experience.


Ready to elevate your B2B customer experience and stay ahead of evolving expectations? Explore the power of Salesforce B2B Commerce and transform your digital journey today. Contact us for a personalized consultation and discover how our platform can enhance your sales, reduce costs, and build lasting customer trust.Call to Action Button